The story behind this Blog

The story behind this Sahaj Dhyana
Date: Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 8:25 PM
Dear friends...
I send to you the draft of a "Meditation Book"

When Shri Mataji came to Colombia in 1992, She stressed to the Colombian collectivity: “you should meditate".
I started collecting some abstracts from Her talks about that topic, and translated it to Spanish, quite rapidly. Then followed "Meditar-2", then 3, and 4, on the occasion of national seminars, and finally a recollection in a single booklet.
 I hope [the edition committee] would be able to manage a printed edition for this summer. For now, here is the first draft. …
Thank you for your kind attention.
I stressed the importance of editing this recollection and make it available in English to all,  because of the link that exists between the numerous comments of Mother (“that’s what we don’t do… minimum of minimum you should have thoughtless awareness” in 2002) and the crisis, the divisions and the disarray we have been suffering collectively since the 2003 event. The 2003 event means of course the disease of Mother, and the reaction of the Italian Sahaja yogis from Rome. After that, in too many countries the setting of the collective leadership has been a long trauma. Simultaneously we suffered from the crisis of the WCASY, the conflict about Royalties, the isolation of Russia, the dissidence of Bolivia, the split in India, divisions in Africa, not to speak about the relations with the Family.
As a whole, all this events are synthesized in this quote: 
Now, the Kundalini falls off with many things, as you know, if you have defects. Even supposing you have a weakness for your wife, you worry about her, you think about her or your husband, who is a negative person: the Kundalini will be sucked down. It will be sucked down with all these negative attentions, any kind of a negative attention you have, it will be sucked down. (Sakranti,1985)
This period has emitted very bad vibrations, and spread very bad messages to the seekers and newcomers. How many Yogis decided not to show up anymore in collective meetings, and how many have been censored? Yes, the Kundalini can fall off, can be sucked down, and no, this should never have happened if the meditation had been at the level that it was expected to be, as Mother taught so many times; "You have to be in nirvikalpa"
The story behind the Blog is now easy to understand. The editing committee does not show up to be able to publish this Guide- if ever it does exist anymore! But the emergency hasn’t changed after 9 years.
Hence, I decided not to wait any longer than these  two (2) years, and I spent some time to pass it on the web- for free. The “geeks” will forgive the simplicity of these pages. I just hope this will contribute to pay back our collective debt towards the Incarnation of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, and to thank Her for the Love that She poured on us with so much Patience and Care.