… But one must remember one principle of Sahaja Yoga which is very important. I think one should write it down in your heart. This is a very important essence of Sahaja Yoga, of how to grow, that you should know how to raise your Kundalini. You should know how to meditate and to find out about your problems, your defects and then remove them and raise your Kundalini. If you cannot raise your Kundalini you cannot improve in Sahaja Yoga.
Now, the Kundalini falls off with many things, as you know, if you have defects. Even supposing you have a weakness for your wife, you worry about her, you think about her or your husband, who is a negative person: the Kundalini will be sucked down. It will be sucked down with all these negative attentions, any kind of a negative attention you have, it will be sucked down.
(…) So instead of feeling unhappy about the negativity and making miserable faces, and making yourself miserable and me miserable with that, best is to laugh it out, and use that negativity for your positivity. (…) That is what is wisdom, and this wisdom comes through meditation, meditative method. So you must everyday meditate and raise your Kundalini, otherwise you cannot grow by saying, “Mother, I love you, I love you,” writing me ten pages letters, which is impossible to read, doing all kinds of things like that and asking me questions morning till evening. Nothing, nothing is going to help you to understand me or to understand yourself or to understand Sahaja Yoga or to grow in Sahaja Yoga. You may talk, discuss, do what you like, to understand Sahaja Yoga, best is to keep very happy. Happy faces, happiness within yourself, joy within yourself, try to see the essence of joy in everything; don’t try to criticize, nor to make yourself miserable. But to raise your Kundalini every morning religiously, every morning, every night raise your Kundalin! Kundalini is like the nourishment, the nourishment, the water of life for the growth of your inner being.
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King Jayavarman, Kampuchea. |
It’s like once you eat your food your tongue can taste it, it gets the saliva, it goes down, it’s all looked after, it goes down properly, down below it is all -the juices are secreted, they know that the food is coming, it is digested in different parts: as it is, it is all built-in. But you must put it in the mouth! And this is what is the mechanism of Sahaja Yoga is, that you must meditate and raise your Kundalini.
In so many ways, in so many styles, in so many angles I have said this again and again and again and again. But that’s what we do not do.
And know your purpose, you must know your purpose! (…)
Bogota, 2003. |

dhyAna …n. meditation , thought , reflection , profound and abstract religious meditation
dhAraNA …f. the act of holding , bearing , wearing , supporting , maintaining; collection or concentration of the mind (joined with the retention of breath) to exercise concentration; firmness , steadfastness , righteousness
cit …to perceive , fix the mind upon , attend to , be attentive , observe , take notice of …to aim at , intend , design … to understand , comprehend , know … , reflect upon .
citta … mfn. `" noticed "`" aimed at "' , longed for n. attending , observing intention , aim , wish
nirodha…m. …restraint , check , control , suppression , destruction … suppression or annihilation of pain
kaivalya n. isolation Va1m. ; absolute unity; perfect isolation , abstraction , detachment from all other connections , detachment of the soul from matter or further transmigrations; beatitude
sthiti f. standing upright or firmly , not falling ;, remaining , abiding , stay , residence , sojourn in or on or at; maintenance of discipline , establishment of good order (in a state &c.) Ragh. ; continuance or steadfastness in the path of duty , virtuous conduct , steadiness , rectitude.
RtaMbhara mfn. bearing the truth in one's self ; intellect or knowledge which contains the truth in itself
PrajJa mfn. possessing the above knowledge (said of a class of Yogins)
mokSa m. emancipation , liberation , release from … from worldly existence or transmigration , final or eternal emancipation; death; also: sacred hymns conducive to final emancipation ; setting free , deliverance (of a prisoner)
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(Shri Mataji laughing) It’s like that! |