Four meditations guided by Shri Mataji, obviously they are models that a Sahaja Yogi should practice “properly”and, finally, try to master.
1-to be one with the divine: the perfect state in which you should be
From: collected talks on meditation
In the morning you get up, have your bath, sit down, take some tea. Don’t talk!
Don’t talk, don't talk in the morning! Sit down, meditate!
Because that time, whatever may be your timing easier, no difference to me I am with you.
But that's the best time because at that time the Sun comes afterwards, before that, the divine rays come in. That's how the birds get up, that's how the flowers get up. They are all awakened by that and if you are sensitive, you will also feel that by getting up in the morning you will look at least ten years younger. Really it's such a good thing to get up in the morning, and then you automatically sleep early. This is, for getting up, for sleeping I need not tell because that, you will manage yourself.
Then in the morning time you should just meditate. In meditation try to stop your thought!
Watch my photograph, try to stop your thought. Please try to stop your thought. That's all.
Meditation, first it has should be thoughtless. There should be thoughtlessness. There should be no thought. Otherwise you cannot start your meditation. First stop your thought, watch my photograph, with open eyes. And see that you stop your thought.
Once you have stopped your thought then you go into meditation. The simple thing to stop your thought is Lord's Prayer because that's the Agnya State. So in the morning you remember Lord's Prayer or Ganesha's any Mantra, if you know Ganesha's Mantras in the morning, it's just the same, or you even say “I forgive”. You can start with Ganesha's Mantra, Lord's Prayer and then say “I forgive”. It works out.
Then you are in thoughtless awareness: now you meditate.
Before that there is no meditation.
Then the thoughts are coming: “Then I have to take the tea. What will I do? Now what I have to do, who's this, who's that” - all this will be there.
So first you become thoughtlessly aware.
Then the growth starts.
The growth of spirituality starts after thoughtless awareness and not before that. One should know that: on rational plane you can not grow in Sahaja Yoga. So, first thing is to establish your thoughtless awareness.
Now when you've established your thoughtless awareness, still you might feel little Chakras here and there, forget about it, just forget about it.
Now start your surrendering.
You see, like your right Chakras are caught up: you should say 'Mother I surrender these things”. See - that works! - instead of doing all these things you can just say that, but that surrendering should not be rationalized. If you are still rationalizing and worrying: “-Why should I say this?” it will not work out. If there is pure love and purity in your heart, that's the best thing. To do so
is to surrender.
is to surrender.
Leave all the worries to Mother, everything to Mother. But surrendering is one point that is very difficult in Ego-orientated societies. Even talking about that, I feel a little worried. But if any thought is coming in to you or any Chakra is catching, just surrender! And you will see that the Chakras are cleared out. In the morning time you do not go on putting this way, that way, nothing! Don't move your hands too much, no need. You find most of the Chakras will clear out, in that meditation.
Only try to put your love in your heart. Just try. Now, first, before: meditate in your heart or you should see in your heart and, there try to put your Guru, in the core of it. After establishing in the heart, you must bow to that, with full devotion and dedication. Now whatever you do with your mind after Realization is not imagination because now your mind, your imagination, is itself enlightened.
So project yourself in such a way that you humble down, at the feet of your Guru, and now ask for the necessary temperament needed for meditation, or atmosphere needed for meditation:
Meditation is when you're one with the divine.
Now if there are thoughts coming in, first you have to say first Mantras of course, then watch inside. Also you must say mantra of Ganesha: will help some people, and then you should watch inside, and see for yourself which is the biggest hurdle: First, the thought!
Now for the thought, you have to say the mantra of Nirvichara.
Om Twamewa Sakshat Nirvichar Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Namo Namaha.
You should say it thrice.
Now we come to the hurdle of your Ego, because, see, the thoughts have stopped now - no doubt! - but see: there is still a pressure on the head. So, if it's ego, you have to say:
Now we come to the hurdle of your Ego, because, see, the thoughts have stopped now - no doubt! - but see: there is still a pressure on the head. So, if it's ego, you have to say:
Om Twamewa Sakshat Shri Mahat Ahamkara, Sakshat Shri Nirmala Devi Namo Namaha.
Mahat means the Great, Ahamkara means ego: say three times.
Now even now if you find that the ego is still there, then you have to raise your left side to push it back to the right hand side, with your hand, one hand towards the photograph. Push the left side higher and the right side lower so the ego and the superego get the balance. Do it seven times. Try to feel how you are feeling inside, you see.
So once you have given yourself a balance, then the best thing is to pay attention to your emotions, to manas shakti. Watch them. You can enlighten your emotions by thinking of Your Mother. Right? Just enlighten them!
This solves all the problems, whatever are the problems in the mana. So, once you are connected to those emotions and you start looking at them in your meditation, you will see these emotions are rising within you, and if you try to put these emotions on your Mother, as they say, ‘At the Lotus Feet of your Mother’, they, those emotions, will start dissolving and they’ll become sort of: expanded. Expanse, you see. You will extend them in such a way that you will feel you are in control of them and by controlling those emotions your emotions are expanded, enlightened and powerful.
Now what you do is to watch your breathing. See, now try to reduce your breathing;
reduce it, in the sense that you have breathed out, wait for a while
then breathe in - for a long time. Then you breathe out.
So, during one minute your breathing will be less than normal. Alright? Try that, keep the attention on the emotions, you see?
So that the connection is established.
Better? See, the Kundalini rises.
Now, when you are breathing, you find that there is a space in-between which you just leave vacant.
Breathe in. Keep it there. Now breathe out and keep breathing out. Now breathe in. Now start breathing in such a way that you really reduce your breathing.
Your attention should be on your heart or it could be your emotion; it’s better to keep the breath inside for a while. Hold it. Bring it out. Hold out. Then keep it outside for a while.
Then, again!
Then you’ll find that for a while you will not breathe. Good. See, you’re settled now. The Laya takes place between your Prana and your Mana. Both the Shaktis become one.
Now you raise your Kundalini up on the head and tie it up.
Again raise your Kundalini up on the head and tie it up.
Again raise your Kundalini and tie it.
Now, at the Sahasrara, you say the Mantra of Sahasrara, thrice.
Now it's opened out you will see. Now you can open again your Sahasrara like this, and just take it now and again, see that you are stationed there.
Once this has been done, then you go into meditation.
This is like cleansing, you see. It's called as Nyasa. Now, now if you find any other obstructions you can also, say, like if you have got, say, Mahakali problem, you can say that Mantra, clear it, clear it and then,you sit down for meditation. Any individual thing you can take it out, like if you have the ego problem, or if you think: then you should start with Mahat Ahankara.
This is what you have to find out: what is your problem, where is the Kundalini stopping? You can feel it within yourself. Some of you may not feel, if you do not feel it, feel it on your finger. If you are not feeling in yourself then feel it on your finger. You can feel it.
Now, reduce your breathing, may be better, reduce your breathing as if stopping it. No fixation about it.
(…) Now at this stage when you are silent. Now you think of your intellect: It's lost! Just think of it, it's lost, it's no more there!
So what's happening? - actually that in this Laya, the attention goes into the intellect, and enlightens the intellect.
Ah, see: the thought is not there! Try to find your intellect within yourself! Now see, see “where is my intellect?”- try to find it! It's not there. It's not working.
Again try it! It is working, but it has become the 'Samashti', it has become the collective now. Ah! See now, did you follow that? There is no thought.
This exercise will give you this thoughtless awareness, establishment of thoughtless awareness - there is no thought.
Then the third thing happens, is the joy! -That you are in joy, all the time.
You can not keep serious for more than two minutes. It's very difficult, to keep serious. The sense of humor is so beautiful. You'll never use vulgarity or hurting things or personal remarks. The whole thing is so beautiful.
When you speak people feel the flowers are throwing their fragrance at you. Every action that you do creates joy, ripple of joy, every movement you do, every vision you see gives you joy. That time you feel perfected. When you see a picture which is beautiful, immediately you go into thoughtless awareness, and the complete joy of that creation starts flowing into you: you just feel the joy.
Then you become silent. You don’t speak much. You don't think. You become the joy.
'Ananda': that's the perfect state in which you should be. It's so beautiful that you want to be there all the time. This joy is the movement of your ocean of love. It's the beautiful movement of the clouds that you see. It's fantastic. You just get drenched into it. And you do everything for love’s sake, and you don't think you are doing it for love’s sake, you do not feel that way. You just do it because it is so joy-giving, that it is the greatest thing. You may have anything in the world, it will not be that much joy giving as this joy of the Spirit which you become.
You never feel lonely. You are never bored whether you are alone or with anyone. You are in joy. Go to: BREATHING AND MEDITATION
2-two meditations in cabella

Notes on two Meditations guided by Shri Mataji in Cabella to a group of men who published their experience.
The main topic is highlighted by the editor. From Divine Cool Breeze, vol. III, 11 & 12, Ed.India
September 21rst, 1991
Shri Mataji began by saying that when doing “namaskar”, the hands should be open flat, away from the Sahasrara, and, if possible, the forehead should also rest flat on the ground.
«Shri Mataji then surveyed how the men were sitting, and suggested that we should sit in a comfortable position, with the legs not too tightly together, but open and relaxed: “Sahaj Asana”; the hands should be held flat open, as if receiving something precious.
She then began to explain how to work on the chakras on the head, using the left hand, with the right hand open on the lap: « It’s like giving yourself a balance, if you are catching on the left, you work with the right »
Shri Mataji started at the Vishuddhi [place of the Virata], which begins just above the Agnya, with the Vishuddhi finger, pressing it slowly upwards where the hair line begins, then also bringing it back down a little, and moving it way across the forehead and back, like a cross: «if you are catching here at the Vishuddhi, it means you are uncollective».
The Agnya was catching. She asked us to say silently: «Maitreya, You are Maitreya! » and also to press and rotate the Agnya chakra a little, which helped: «That’s better! »
Going back, and up from the Vishuddhi, is the Right Nabhi, then the Sahasrara, with the right and left heart on either side of it, then the Left Nabhi: «You can feel when it’s caught: it’s hard, heavy stuff». Further back, at each side of the Back Agnya, which is where Shri Mataji refers to as “Mooladhara”, are the right and left Swadisthan, but reversed: the Left lies on the right side and the Right is on the left.
Shri Mataji worked for two or three minutes, then came to the Ego on the upper left side of the forehead – and the conditioning on the upper right side, extending back to the ears... We also rubbed each of these chakra positions in turn. For the Ego we can say the mantras to Buddha or Maitreya.
«Now, close your eyes and put your attention on Sahasrara. When thoughts are coming- they will! - you can take the Bija Mantra Ksham». It is the Bija Mantra for forgiveness. Just say “Ksham, ksham” You can also say silently the Nirvichara Samadhi mantra. Now, leave your problems to the Divine Power. »
Shri Mataji then closed Her eyes and went into meditation.
Then said: «For me it’s easy, I have no problems! » laughing and smiling, She spoke about this word “problem”, which they learnt in geometry: «Just put your attention to the problems. Then you will end up in the Turiya state. Turiya means fourth. You’ll jump into the fourth dimension. For instance, when you see these mountains and the nature, you are just there, and you jump into it. It’s practice for the attention, that when you get into a crisis, you’ll just so automatically go there, and it will just work. »
«You were destined to come to this point. Think how few you are compared with the world populations. So, just leave it to the Divine. It’s like the landing of an airplane: it’s all fixed. It just comes without any effort. »
Then Shri Mataji said: « Because I have given you realization, the most powerful mantra is “Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi namoh namah”.
When you first sit (in meditation), you might feel catches or heat: it’s not necessarily you. It can be the atmosphere – not to worry about it! But when you sit down individually (on your own) before the photograph, you will see how you are. »
«What I have seen is the giving of a bandhan; first -actually first”- one should tie up the kundalini, and then, give a bandhan»
Shri Mataji said that the attention should be on the left hand, that we should look into the left hand when tying up the Kundalini. When She tied it, She revolved only the right hand, on the third knot, the right hand only was pulled away.
ARDHA KAVACH: Half protection bandhan
Giving a bandhan, Shri Mataji demonstrated the bandhan for routine protection and made three distinct movements of the right hand and over from left to right, without the return movement- similar to raising the left and lowering the right. She said that each movement counted as a half. So seven movements (without the return) are a half protection, which, She said, adds up to 3,5.
PURNA KAVACH: Full protection bandhan
This is our normal, full bandhan, which Shri Mataji described as being for when one is facing a dangerous person, or a crisis.
At the end of the meditation, She again mentioned the Turiya state where you just jump into thoughtless awareness automatically and, lastly: «You shouldn’t talk very much. You lose energy, I’ve seen that. If you want to talk, talk about Sahaja yoga, not about the bad of others but about the good that others have done. »
September 22nd, 1991
Shri Mataji began by saying:
«Do not allow anyone to dominate you. You are all individuals. If you do allow it, you will go into the Left, where you suppress (emotions) and can become very possessed, very badly possessed. You’ll go into the collective subconscious where you could even develop cancer. When someone tries to dominate you, you must just laugh, treat it as a joke. Especially, you must not be dominated by your wife or your husband. »
Shri Mataji told the story of Shiva and Parvati, who went for a walk and met a snake. Along the way, the snake said: «I want to go and meditate. » When they came back after their walk, they found the snake there badly beaten and bruised, with some skin peeled off. They asked about what happened. The snake explained that it had been stoned by some boys while meditating «-But I didn’t tell you not to hiss! » answered Shiva.
Shri Mataji continued that also men should not dominate their wives, but treat them with wisdom to put them in their place. «Women are more spiritually evolved. Normally they are the emotions; they have more emotions, so that they can achieve Bhakti more easily. But if they do not respect their self realization they will go down… whereas, for men, Bhakti is the next step».
Shri Mataji then gave the example of a chariot where the man and the woman are the wheels: «But left should be on the left, and right on the right. You are equal, but not similar. One wheel should not be smaller, or the chariot will go round and round in circles. In marriage, you are each other’s companion…..»
«Now, let’s have a meditation on Bhakti. »
Shri Mataji placed her right hand on Her heart and the men did the same:
«First, you must sit down with the photograph and put me in your heart. Also, mentally, you must see everything that Sahaja yoga has done for you in your life, and what my Incarnation means to you and the whole world. »
She continued that, once we were in Bhakti, we don’t feel any suffering, it all becomes a play. When we are in Bhakti, who can touch us? But when someone dominates us, our Bhakti gets lost. Also, if someone praises us, we enjoy it through our ego, like the two sides of a Rupee, giving happiness and unhappiness. But:
«If one can jump into this Bhakti, one can rise very high without any effort»
Shri Mataji again explained how we should sit comfortably, relaxed, with hands open.
«For Bhakti, there is not method or technique; there are no rules or regulations, for Bhakti. Now, raise your hands, in Bhakti, also bend your head»
The hands were raised off the knees a little up towards Shri Mataji, and heads were bent to face the ground.
«First put your right hand on the Sahasrara and rotate it clockwise»
Shri Mataji here went into meditation for some minutes with Her hand on Sahasrara.
«Now, take your right hand down… if thoughts are coming, you can put your hand back to the Sahasrara»
Shri Mataji then spoke about how new people have faith in Christ, or Krishna, or the Madonna, especially.
«Now, all these deities are with me, and they are trying to show you through the photos and the miracles – now your children will have this feeling too, so automatically! They are lucky to have parents who are Sahaja Yogis.» Shri Mataji continued by saying those were who Christ had sent. Those not Christian should say that She is the Devi or Adi Shakti.
(During this time, the vibrations were very strong, Shri Mataji was sitting in deep meditation, in Her majesty, Her hands resting on Her lap, eyes closed, completely still.)
After a time, Shri Mataji played a song on a new cassette by a famous Indian singer and film music composer Ravindra Jain, accompanied by another well known singer Hemlata [VishwaVandita]. Shri Mataji explained that he has now written songs about Her and Sahaja Yoga and has put a lot of heart in his music; the song played contained two new names not included in the Thousand names of the Devi, She was touched by the new names and gave beautiful explanations of their meanings:
Yoganirupini: Giving the explanation of the yoga
Shri Mataji said that never before had the yoga been explained. None of these Incarnations did this. The great Indian saints such as Gynaneshwara, who “took his Samadhi”, when 23, and Tukaram, also did not explain the Turiya, because they could not talk to these people. Sahaja Yogis were not there at that time to understand this subtle subject. «But you have your realization: you can actually experience it and verify it.»
Dharma vikasini: Flowering, blossoming of Dharma (= when thieving, lying etc. are gone, and righteousness, kindness and honesty are manifesting)
Shri Mataji shaped Her hands like the closed bud of a flower, then opened them as She explained about the “bud” of Dharma: «And then the fragrance of this Dharma starts emitting, filling the whole atmosphere.»
Referring again to Bhakti, Shri Mataji mentioned a couplet, in which it is said that “in your heart is a picture of love, if you bow your head you can see this picture.” «Look at the photo, and then put me in your heart. » All heads were bowed to Her. «Actually, you are surrendering your ego. It’s written in the Bhagavad Gita: you need to practice meditation. It’s like music: you must practice, today this, tomorrow that. »
Shri Mataji also said that what matters is not how long we meditate, but how deeply.
She then gave a treatment for colds and runny noses in the morning: to take a basil leaf, some black pepper and ghee.
Shri Mataji then talked about Russia, saying how the Russian people don’t like Lenin now, but they don’t realize what he has done for them. About the Russian Sahaja Yogis She said how devoted and dedicated they are, and how the Nagpur musicians had been overwhelmed by their devotion and love for Shri Mataji. One lady wanted to give them tea and told them that singing the songs of praise of Shri Mataji, they must be Celestial Beings. They said that they could not stay, had to leave with the bus, but then the bus broke down, and they had to go back to her. Shri Mataji added that the musicians felt ashamed when they saw this devotion of the Russian Sahaja Yogis, and that we should also experience these people.
The meditation ended, Shri Mataji gave her blessing and said:
«Even if I am not here, you should come and sit for meditation. The vibrations are flowing – wherever I am. »
"Introspection", Shuddy Camps, June 18th. 1988
Please close your eyes! All of you close your eyes.
Now we all will do the meditation the way we have been doing in the halls, wherever we have public programs.
We will work on the left hand side and the left hand towards me.
Now, first of all you put your hand on your heart. In the heart resides Shiva, is the Spirit. So you have to thank your Spirit that it has brought light to your attention because you are a Saint and the light that has come in your hearts has to enlighten the whole world.
So please now in your heart you pray: Let this light of my Love of the Divine spread to the whole world. With all sincerity and understanding that you are connected with the Divine, and whatever you desire will happen, with full confidence in yourself.
Now put your right hand in the upper part of your abdomen on the left hand side. And now here is the center of your Dharma. Here you have to pray:
Let Vishwa Nirmala Dharma spread in the whole world. Let people see the light through our dharmic life, through our righteousness. Let people see that and accept the Vishwa Nirmala Dharma by which they get enlightenment and a benevolent higher life and a desire to ascend.
Now take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, of the stomach on the left hand side. Press it! Now this is the center of pure knowledge. Here you have to say as Sahaja Yogis that our Mother has given us the full idea how the Divine works. She has given us all the mantras and all the pure knowledge that we could bear and understand.
Let all of us be fully knowledgeable about that.
I have seen if the man is a leader, the wife does not know a word about Sahaja Yoga. If the woman knows about Sahaja Yoga, the husband doesn’t know anything about it.
Let me be proficient and an expert in this knowledge, so that I can give realisation to people, make them understand what this Divine law is, what is Kundalini and what are the Chakras. Let my attention be more on Sahaja Yoga than on all these mundane things.
Now put your right hand on the upper part of your abdomen and close your eyes. Now here, on the left hand side, press it!
Mother has given me the Spirit and I have my own Guru which is the Spirit. I am master of my own.
Let there be no abandonment. Let there be dignity in my character.
Let there be generosity in my behaviour.
Let there be compassion and Love for other Sahaja Yogis.
Let me not show off, but have a deep knowledge about God’s Love and His doing, so that when people come to me, I should be able to tell them about Sahaja Yoga and give them this great knowledge with humility and Love.
Now raise your right hand on your heart. Here you have to thank God that you have felt the ocean of joy and you have felt the ocean of forgiveness and the capacity to forgive as our Mother has, which we have seen is so tremendous.
Let my heart expand and encompass the whole Universe, and my Love should resound the Name of God.
The heart every moment should express the beauty of God’s Love.
Take now your right hand on the left Vishuddhi between the neck and the shoulder in the corner.
I will not indulge into the falsehood of guilt because I know it is falsehood.
I will not escape my faults but face them and eradicate them.
I will not try to find fault with others but, in my own knowledge of Sahaja Yoga, let me remove their faults.
We have so many ways secretly we can remove the faults of others.
Let my collectivity become so great that the whole Sahaja Yoga race is my own family, my own children, my home, my everything.
Let me get that feeling completely, innately built within my self that I am part and parcel of the whole, because we all have one Mother; and let my concern go to the whole world to know what are their problems and how can my true desire power solve them. Let me feel the problems of the world in my heart and let me try innately to remove all of them from the basis of which they are generated.
Let me go to the principles of all these problems and try to remove them through my Sahaja Yoga powers, through my Saintly powers.
Now put your right hand on your forehead across. Now here you have to say first:
I have to forgive all those who have not come to Sahaja Yoga, those who are on the periphery, who come and go, who jump in and out.
But first of all and foremost I have to forgive all the Sahaja Yogis because they are all better than me. I am the one who tries to find fault with them, but I am at the lowest end, and I have to forgive them because I must know that I still have to go very much further. I am still much less, I have to improve my self.
This humility has to come within us. So you have to say here:
Let there be the humility in my heart in a true sense, not hypocritical, [let me] work out this feeling of forgiveness so that I bow to reality, to God and to Sahaja Yoga.
Now you have to put back your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head and you have to say here:
Oh Mother, whatever wrong we have done to You so far or whatever wrong goes in our minds, whatever smallness we have shown to You, whatever way we have troubled You and challenged You, please forgive us.
You should ask for forgiveness. In your intelligence you should know What I Am. I don’t have to tell you again and again, not at Sahasrara.
You have to thank me at Sahasrara, put your hand, move it seven times and thank me seven times.
Mother, thank You very much for the realization!
Mother, thank You very much for making us understand how great we are; and thank You very much for bringing all the blessings of the Divine; and thank You very much for raising us higher, much higher than from where we were; and also thank You very much for sustaining us, and for helping us to improve ourselves and correct ourselves.
And thank You very much, ultimately that, Mother, You have come on this earth, taken Your birth, and that You are working so hard for us, for all of us.
Press it hard. And move it hard. Now take down your hands. Heads are all very hot. So now let us give ourselves a nice bandhan. In the bandhan of Mother let us move our left to the right. One! Nicely! Understand what you are. What are your auras. Now, again, second one. Now, the third one. Now ,the fourth one. Now, the fifth. Now, the sixth one. And now, the seventh.
Now raise your Kundalini slowly, very slowly, raise it first time, you have to do it very slowly. Now push back your head and give it a knot, one knot. Second one, let’s do it very slowly and knowing what you are, you are a Saint. Do it properly, not in a haste. Push back your head and give it two knots there, one and two.
Now let’s do the other one. Again the third one you have to give three knots. Very slowly do it! Very slowly! Now do it properly. Now push back your head. Now give it the third knot. Three times.
Now see your vibrations. See your vibrations like this. … Beautiful! I am getting vibrations from you.
May God bless you!